Exclusion to Belonging

Published: December 2020

Exclusion to Belonging houses three web-based projects developed by L’Arche Toronto. Listen to My Story is a collection of personal stories of institutional life by those who lived there and their families. “Birds Make Me Think About Freedom”,  is a multi-media meditation on interdependence, inclusion, transformation and imagination, based on the testimonies of persons who were institutionalized, their families and friends. Healing and Belonging (coming soon) explores creative ways to listen to and support institutional survivors who have complex needs and limited means of communicating.

Organisation: Exclusion to Belonging

Format: WEB
Count: 1300 Views
Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Go to www.dss.gov.au for more information.
These resources are in the process of being transferred to Inclusion Solutions. Click here to visit their website.

A resource of WA Individualised Services.