Inquiry into Violence, Abuse and Neglect against People with Disability in Institutional and Residential Settings

Published: August 2015

This Submission from the Australian Cross Disability Alliance is the culmination of more than two decades of people with disability and their allies campaigning and advocating for a national, independent inquiry to investigate violence and abuse against people with disability in institutional and residential settings. One of the most pervasive human rights abuses experienced by people with disability is their segregation, isolation and confinement from the community in institutional and residential settings. The ACDA was founded by, and is made up of four national cross-disability DPOs: First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDNA); Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA); National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA); and People with Disability Australia (PWDA).

Authors: Frohmader, C., & Sands, T.
Organisation: Australian Cross Disability Alliance

Format: PDF
Pages: 71
Count: 1451 Views
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