CRUcial Times- Principles for Partnering between Natural and Formal Supports

Published: February 2016

Article by Dr Michael Kendrick provides clarity about the strengths and limitations of formal and informal supports . A thoughtful combination of natural and formal supports can potentially enrich a person’s wellbeing. ‘Formal’ supports are various forms of assistance provided to a person via paid formal services, professionals and agencies. Informal or ‘natural’ supports would include all of the many forms of everyday helpfulness and assistance ordinary people freely provide to each other in daily life.

Author: Dr Michael Kendrick

Format: PDF
Pages: 1
Count: 1911 Views
Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Go to for more information.
These resources are in the process of being transferred to Inclusion Solutions. Click here to visit their website.

A resource of WA Individualised Services.