Deinstitutionalisation and community living – outcomes and costs: Report of a European Study.

Volume 1 Executive Summary: This project aimed to bring together the available information on the number of disabled people living in residential institutions in 28 European countries, and to identify successful strategies for replacing institutions with community-based services, paying particular attention to economic issues in the transition. It is the most wide-ranging study of its kind ever undertaken.

Authors: Jim Mansell, Martin Knapp, Julie Beadle-Brown and Jeni Beecham
Organisations: Tizard Centre, University of Kent

Format: PDF
Pages: 14
Count: 1406 Views
Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Go to for more information.
These resources are in the process of being transferred to Inclusion Solutions. Click here to visit their website.

A resource of WA Individualised Services.